The celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Bulgarian language major at Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) was held on Oct 22.
The 2021 meeting of the International Education Branch of the CSE and the 2nd BFSU forum on comparative education and international education were held on Oct 23 in Beijing.
The 2021 International Conference on CALL was held from Oct 16 to 17.
The Sixth National Symposium on Ecolinguistics hosted by the National Research Centre for Foreign Language Education, the National Research Center for State Language Capacity and China Association of Ecolinguistics at BFSU was held from Oct 9 to 10.
The 7th General Meeting and the 9th Council Meeting of the Confucius Institute at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU) was held on Oct 14.
The 8th Council Meeting of the Confucius Institute at Zayed University (ZU) was held on Oct 11.
CAST, CISTE and BFSU launched a training class on Oct 10 to help international organization employees and reserve personnel perform their duties.
The commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the International Business School of Beijing Foreign Studies University was held on Sept 25.
The Chinese International Education Foundation held an event called “Honoring Our Past, Building Our Future” on Sept 27 to celebrate Confucius Institute Day.