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School of Art and Research


Founded on June 11, 2011, the School of Art and Research of Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) is dedicated to cultivating cultural communication talents with comprehensive skills in foreign languages, art, and communication. It aims to capitalize on the long-established language teaching skills and research strength of BFSU, in order to showcase the essence of national art, further national art development, promote China's traditional culture undertakings, and facilitate the development of a world-class comprehensive university, in better service of the national initiative on "culture going global". 

The school has established comprehensive curricula at undergraduate and postgraduate levels with clear development paths. In 2018, the undergraduate drama program was established. Now, in collaboration with the School of International Journalism and Communication, it offers a range of master’s degree programs including traditional Chinese drama communication, international art communication, as well as a doctoral program on Chinese and foreign drama communication comparative research. It also plays an active role in BFSU's effort to build a cluster of "Double First-class" academic disciplines.

As of 2021, the school has a faculty and staff of 13 members with backgrounds in four tier-one disciplines - literature and arts, journalism, theatre and television, art and music. The faculty consists of two professors, two associate professors, and six lecturers, and nine of them hold doctoral degrees. The school has an administrative team of three staff, and all of them are master's degree holders. On a regular basis, the school invites faculties from other research and academic institutes as honorary professors, adjunct professors, visiting professors, and professional visiting professors under joint research projects and social services programs, representing a BFSU-featured faculty in language, art and communication. As of June 2021, it has nine postgraduate students. 

The school is fully committed to promoting international communication and exchanges and offering a globalized platform for our faculty and students. In addition to three sessions of the National International Students Peking Opera Competition, a host of exchange and overseas study tour programs are offered by the school.

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