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Delegation led by Wang Dinghua visits Greece, Bulgaria and Romania

Updated: July 17, 2024

Wang Dinghua, secretary of the CPC Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) committee, led a delegation to Greece, Bulgaria and Romania from July 1 to 10. 

Delegation members visited prestigious institutions that included the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, the University of Crete, the Institute of Balkan Studies at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia University, the Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv, the University of Bucharest and the Transilvania University of Brasov, aiming to enhance partnerships, promote educational exchanges and support the Belt and Road Initiative through collaboration in language and cultural studies. 

The delegation also visited relevant Chinese embassies, the China Cultural Center in Sofia, the Confucius Institute in Sofia and China COSCO Shipping Corporation Limited's Piraeus Port Authority, where they discussed talent cultivation, the promotion of Chinese culture and university-business cooperation. 

The tour paved the way for new collaborative opportunities, contributing to BFSU’s mission of fostering global educational and cultural links. 


Wang Dinghua (C) and Sophia Papaioannou (L), vice-rector of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (UoA), sign a cooperation agreement between BFSU's School of European Languages and Cultures and the UoA's master's program in southeast European studies on July 1. Wang proposes enhanced scholarly exchanges between the two universities. [Photo/bfsu.edu.cn] 


The delegation visits China COSCO Shipping Corporation Limited's Piraeus Port Authority on July 1. Discussions focus on methods of telling China's story, enhancing university-business cooperation and creating more internship opportunities for BFSU students. [Photo/bfsu.edu.cn] 


Wang Dinghua (L) meets with China’s Ambassador to Greece Xiao Junzheng at the Chinese embassy on July 2. Wang briefs the ambassador on the development of BFSU's Greek language program and the university’s cooperation with its Greek counterparts. He commits to learning more about Greece's demand for bilingual talent and advancing people-to-people connectivity between the two countries. [Photo/bfsu.edu.cn] 


Wang Dinghua (C) talks about BFSU's disciplinary features and the Discover China Summer Program during his visit to the University of Crete on July 3, expressing hope for expanded academic cooperation and exchange programs. The delegation and representatives of the University of Crete engage in discussions on the prospects for student exchanges at various levels, joint training programs and faculty academic exchanges. They also sign a memorandum of understanding. [Photo/bfsu.edu.cn] 


The delegation and representatives of the Institute of Balkan Studies at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences agree to personnel visits and joint academic activities. They sign a memorandum of understanding on July 4. [Photo/bfsu.edu.cn] 


During a meeting with Chinese embassy officials in Bulgaria on July 4, Wang Dinghua (fourth from left) speaks about BFSU's Bulgarian language program and its aim to provide talented personnel for government departments. Wang says the university will promote educational and cultural cooperation between China and Bulgaria, train more students with an international perspective and cross-cultural communication skills, continue its friendly dialogue with its Bulgarian partners and make contributions to the friendship between the two countries. [Photo/bfsu.edu.cn] 


The BFSU delegation and Sofia University agree to establish substantive cooperation on various projects, including teacher training, further education, disciplinary development, scientific collaboration, conference organization and joint master's and PhD programs. They sign a memorandum of understanding on July 4. [Photo/bfsu.edu.cn]


Delegation members visit the Confucius Institute in Sofia on July 4. While there, they meet with faculty and staff, as well as Chinese students studying in Bulgaria and learn about their work and life experiences. [Photo/bfsu.edu.cn] 


Wang Dinghua (L) and Boryan Yanev, vice-rector of the Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv, sign a memorandum of understanding on July 5, with the aim of establishing substantive cooperation in their respective areas of expertise, including faculty and student exchanges and applications for international scientific research projects. [Photo/bfsu.edu.cn] 


The delegation learns about the activities of the China Cultural Center in Sofia, the first Chinese cultural center in Central and Eastern Europe, on July 6. Hong Hai (R), director of the center, expresses his willingness to cooperate with BFSU and the Confucius Institute in Sofia on Chinese language teaching and Chinese culture promotion. [Photo/bfsu.edu.cn] 


At the Chinese embassy in Romania on July 8, Wang Dinghua (fourth from left) expresses his gratitude for the embassy's long-standing support and briefs embassy officials on BFSU’s achievements in professional development, disciplinary advancement and academic research. [Photo/bfsu.edu.cn]


Wang Dinghua delivers a lecture titled "Strategic Pillars in Building a Strong Educational System" at the Chinese embassy in Romania on July 8. [Photo/bfsu.edu.cn]


During a meeting with the University of Bucharest on July 8, Wang Dinghua (second from left) congratulates the institution on its 160th anniversary and says he hopes to enhance practical cooperation through expanding the scale of student exchanges and finalizing Erasmus Plus projects. [Photo/bfsu.edu.cn]


Wang Dinghua (L) and Ioan Abrudan, rector of the Transilvania University of Brasov (UNITBV), sign an agreement on exchanges and cooperation on July 9. During the meeting, Abrudan recalls previous exchanges between China and Romania, as well as the UNITBV’s cooperation with Chinese institutions, and expresses his great pleasure in establishing connections with BFSU. [Photo/bfsu.edu.cn]