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Conferences on digitalized learning held at BFSU

Updated: June 23, 2024

The Sixth Conference of the China MOOCs for Foreign Studies (CMFS) and the Third Foreign Language and Literature Working Committee Conference of the Virtual Simulation Experiment Teaching Innovation Alliance were held at Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) from June 14 to 15.

Themed "Connecting the World, Creating the Future", the events brought together over 200 experts and scholars from domestic universities dedicated to higher education in foreign languages and virtual simulation teaching innovation, along with representatives of member universities of the CMFS and the Foreign Language and Literature Working Committee.

Nearly 10,000 educators from across China participated online to discuss the digital transformation of education, providing key insights into the innovation of foreign language teaching models and the improvement of talent cultivation.

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Wang Dinghua, chairman of the CMFS and secretary of the CPC BFSU committee, speaks at the conferences. [Photo/bfsu.edu.cn]

Wang Dinghua, chairman of the CMFS and secretary of the CPC BFSU committee, delivered a work report highlighting the alliance's achievements and initiatives. The CMFS has advanced international MOOC programs, international cooperation, top-tier course and micro-specialty developments, as well as project progress and teachers' professional growth, realizing its annual goals with the internationalization of MOOCs as the main focus, he said.

The alliance has forged strategic partnerships with countries involved in the Belt and Road Initiative and launched specialized MOOC columns, promoted micro-specialty and virtual simulation projects, established practical training systems and engaged in course development, with the UMOOCs platform now offering 86 national first-class courses, 118 provincial first-class courses and over 500 courses covering 15 languages, Wang added.

UMOOCs continues to maintain a leading position nationwide in terms of both the number of foreign language courses and the variety of languages offered.

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Jia Wenjian, executive vice-chairman of the CMFS, BFSU president and deputy secretary of the CPC BFSU committee, presides over the work report. [Photo/bfsu.edu.cn]

The work report was presided over by Jia Wenjian, executive vice-chairman of the CMFS, BFSU president and deputy secretary of the CPC BFSU committee.

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University presidents participate in the Presidents' Forum on Universities' Internationalized Reform under the Context of MOOCs Going Global. [Photo/bfsu.edu.cn]

One of the highlights of the conferences was the Presidents' Forum on Universities' Internationalized Reform under the Context of MOOCs Going Global. The invitees included Zhao Zhongxiu, president of the University of International Business and Economics, Hu Jiping, president of the University of International Relations, Wu Yaowu, president of Xi'an International Studies University, and Zhang Huanzhou, president of Zhejiang International Studies University. They shared their experiences in talent cultivation and international cooperation.

The conferences also included two thematic forums on Training International Top-Notch Practical Talents under the Background of New Liberal Arts and Foreign Language Teaching Driven by New Quality Productive Forces, with experts exchanging views on the impact of digital technology on future transformation in higher education.

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Officials launch the Course Sharing Initiative between the CMFS and Thai MOOC. [Photo/bfsu.edu.cn]

A ceremony was held for the launch of the Course Sharing Initiative between the CMFS and Thai MOOC, aiming to build a global digital education community and initiate a new phase of international cooperation in digital education. This year, the initiative will launch the first batch of 10 courses for exchange and sharing.

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Jia Wenjian (L), executive vice-chairman of the CMFS, BFSU president and deputy secretary of the CPC BFSU committee, and Nong Tao, an official from the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee and editor-in-chief of Xuexi Qiangguo, launch the 2024 CMFS Project. [Photo/bfsu.edu.cn]

The conferences concluded with the launch of the 2024 CMFS Project, supported by Xuexi Qiangguo platform. It covers such areas as AI and foreign language education, training of international top talents, micro-specialties, virtual simulation experiments, MOOCs and blended learning.