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Blue Book of Malaysia: Annual Report on Development of Malaysia (2023) released

Updated: January 30, 2024

The Blue Book of Malaysia: Annual Report on Development of Malaysia (2023) was recently released at an online symposium titled "Closer Cooperation, Brighter Future: Celebrating 50th Anniversary of China-Malaysia Diplomatic Relations". 

The event was hosted by Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) and the Social Sciences Academic Press (China).


Experts and scholars participate in an online symposium titled "Closer Cooperation, Brighter Future: Celebrating 50th Anniversary of China-Malaysia Diplomatic Relations". [Photo/bfsu.edu.cn] 

The unveiling ceremony of the blue book included four segments: the book launch, keynote speeches, presentations by experts and scholars, and a summary and closing remarks. 

Keynote speeches on the themes of Malaysia-China Relations Reflect Trends in ASEAN Parliamentary Democracies, Political Changes in Malaysian Political Parties and Their Motivations, and Advancing High-level Cooperation for Sustained Friendship and Win-win Development between China and Malaysia were delivered.

The symposium featured seven prominent experts in the field of Malaysian studies who presented cutting-edge research findings across various domains. Su Yingying, dean of BFSU's School of Asian Studies, concluded the symposium with a summary statement.

The Blue Book of Malaysia: Annual Report on Development of Malaysia (2023) is a collaborative effort between BFSU's Academy of Regional and Global Governance, the School of Asian Studies, the Centre for China-Malay Studies, and Peking University's Research Center for ASEAN Countries.

It focuses on the evolving political, economic, diplomatic, and socio-cultural landscape, and Sino-Malaysian relationship from 2022 to early 2023, presenting a comprehensive, multidimensional overview of Malaysia's internal and external development.