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BFSU holds matriculation ceremony to welcome new students

Updated: September 7, 2021

Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) held a matriculation ceremony on Sept 7 to welcome its 3,400 new students.

The event was attended by the school leadership, and heads and teacher representatives from its colleges and departments.

Su Dapeng, deputy secretary of the CPC BFSU committee, chaired the ceremony.


Yang Dan, deputy secretary of the CPC BFSU committee and president of the university, addresses the matriculation ceremony on Sept 7.

Yang Dan, deputy secretary of the CPC BFSU committee and president of the university, extended a warm welcome and congratulations to freshmen and delivered a speech titled “being a contributor to global development based on languages and beyond languages”.

Yang urged new students to improve language proficiency and master global culture to promote cross-cultural communications and boost exchanges among different civilizations. 

“Language studies and cultural competence are only the first step of your journey. In your future career, I hope you will understand the wisdom of seeking harmony with all nations when engaging with the world,” said Yang.


Wu Hongbo, former UN under-secretary-general, special representative of European affairs and a BFSU alumnus, delivers a speech on Sept 7.

Wu Hongbo, former UN under-secretary-general, China’s special representative of European affairs and a BFSU alumnus from the 1973 class of the School of English and International Studies, described his original intentions of joining BFSU and shared his experience in engaging in China’s diplomacy for more than 40 years. 

He called on students to be self-reliant, hardworking and inclusive, to stay loyal to the country, and to integrate their personal advancement with the interests of the country and the people.


Hou Junxia, deputy secretary of the general Party branch and dean of the School of English for Specific Purposes, speaks at the opening ceremony on Sept 7.

Hou Junxia, deputy secretary of the general Party branch and dean of the School of English for Specific Purposes, shared the touching story of a Tibetan alumna who engaged in foreign language teaching after graduation.

Hou encouraged undergraduates to increase language competence, postgraduates to amplify the voice of Chinese scholars on the international stage, and international students to tell China’s commitment in building a community with a shared future for mankind to the world.


Student representatives make brief speeches at the matriculation ceremony on Sept 7.

Ma Ruiyao, an undergraduate representative from the International Business School, called on her fellow students to be high-spirited and to welcome their upcoming campus life with personal endeavors.

Pan Tianyi, a graduate representative from the School of International Organizations, talked about the significance of language studies and culture awareness. He advised BFSUers to actively participate in global governance, live up to the expectations of the school and keep the missions of the times in mind.

Yamakawa Yuri, a foreign student representative from the School of Chinese Language and Literature, expressed her wishes to introduce a real China to the world and promote friendship between China and her home country.

Following the speeches, Wang Dinghua, secretary of the CPC BFSU committee, presented the university badge to new student representatives, which officially marked their identity as a BFSUer.

This year’s matriculation ceremony was held both online and onsite. Parents of new students and freshmen from the Graduate School of Foshan witnessed the ceremony online.