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BFSU holds commencement ceremony for 2021 graduates

Updated: July 2, 2021


The 2021 commencement ceremony of Beijing Foreign Studies University is held in its gymnasium, on July 2.

Over 2,400 graduates attended the 2021 commencement ceremony of Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) in its gymnasium, on July 2.

Su Dapeng, deputy secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) BFSU Committee and vice president of the university, presided over the commencement ceremony.


Yang Dan, deputy secretary of the CPC BFSU Committee and the university's president, speaks at the ceremony.

During his speech at the ceremony, Yang Dan, deputy secretary of the CPC BFSU Committee and the university's president, congratulated all graduates, including 61 PhD holders and 1,064 students with master's degrees, on the completion of their academic studies, and expressed thanks to the teachers, faculty members, school leaders and others for their support in the growth of students on campus.

Yang urged the graduates to have faith in the importance of their personal endeavors, and to leave no regrets in their upcoming off-campus life. He also encouraged them to integrate their youth closely with the development of the world and China, to connect the pursuit of their personal dreams with their efforts to serve the country and its people, and to take the realization of national rejuvenation as their own mission, all the while living up to the expectations of the people to create a bright future.


Liu Biwei, an alumnus of BFSU, vice chairperson of the China Public Diplomacy Association and former Chinese ambassador to Denmark, shares his thoughts and experiences at the ceremony.

Liu Biwei, an alumnus of BFSU, vice chairperson of the China Public Diplomacy Association and former Chinese ambassador to Denmark, shared his thoughts and experiences from his engagement in China's diplomacy over the past four decades. He also called upon graduates to stay loyal to the country, remain true to their original aspirations and to become a useful person for society and the country.


Dai Guiju, dean of the BFSU School of Russian, speaks at the ceremony.

As a representative of the teachers, Dai Guiju, dean of the BFSU School of Russian, called on graduates to keep their mission in mind, hold a positive outlook, and to live life to its fullest in their future work and personal lives.


Hu Haishu, a graduate representative from the BFSU School of Asian Studies, speaks at the ceremony.

Hu Haishu, a graduate representative from the BFSU School of Asian Studies, recalled his on-campus studies and life over the past few years. He expressed gratitude to the university for the education it provided him with, and conveyed firm faith and determination on behalf of all graduates in the fulfillment of future responsibilities and missions.


Mapfidza Vimbiso Juliet, a Zimbabwean graduate from the BFSU School of International Relations and Diplomacy, speaks at the ceremony.

A Zimbabwean graduate, Mapfidza Vimbiso Juliet, from the BFSU School of International Relations and Diplomacy conveyed thanks to the university, her teachers and classmates for the education and assistance she received as a representative of international students She also spoke highly of China's contribution to the global fight against the pandemic. She believed that she would utilize her learning in China to help more foreigners around her have a better understanding of the country.


Students receive their diplomas at the ceremony.

Jia Wenjian, deputy secretary of the CPC BFSU Committee and vice president of the university, announced BFSU's decision to confer diplomas on graduates this year.


Outstanding graduates awarding ceremony

Sun Youzhong, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC BFSU Committee and vice president of the university, read a list of city-level and university-level outstanding graduates.

Hu Zhigang, vice secretary of the CPC BFSU Committee and secretary of the CPC BFSU Committee for Discipline Inspection, Ding Hao, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC BFSU Committee and the university's vice president, Zhao Gang, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC BFSU Committee and vice president of BFSU, presented the certificates of outstanding graduates to the recipients.


Wang Dinghua, secretary of the CPC BFSU Committee, takes a group photo with the volunteer teaching delegation.

Wang Dinghua, secretary of the CPC BFSU Committee, handed a flag to the 23rd volunteer teaching delegation and took a group photo with them. It was composed of nine graduates, who will travel to Dali, Yunnan, and Xiongan, Hebei, for a volunteer teaching program.

The commencement ceremony also drew the attendance of 48 graduates from the BFSU Graduate School of Foshan, both online and offline.